Domino - The draw game - Sample

This is a simple sample of the draw domino game. Alice, Bill and Cindy have a game.

The deal
All bones are shuffled face down.

Alice draws 6-4, 1-6, 2-5, 3-3, and 1-1.

Bill draws 0-6, 5-4, 4-4, 2-3 and 2-0.

Cindy draws  5-6, 1-5, 0-5, 2-4, and 0-0.

Every player keeps his dominoes secret. Thus only Alice herselfs knows that she has 6-4, 1-6, 2-5, 3-3, and 1-1.

She places them on their long edges in such a way that only he herself can see them. Drawing bones is usually done simultaneously. Allthough she holds double 3 herself, she calls out: does anyone has the double 6? Both Bill and Cindy deny this, and likewise no one turns out to hold double 5. But when Alice asks: Does any one hold double 4, Bill sets is by putting it in the middle of the table:


The rules

  1. All bones played must be played to a free end and must match numbers. Example: 0-2 matches 2-1. In our sample game Cindy is now the first to play,  and she has only one option: her 2-4. She puts this adjacent to the double 4:


    She might as well have put it at the other side, it would have made no difference for play.

  2. The layout always has two open ends, each sprouting from one of the long side of the starting double. Alice now adds her 2-5:


    Bill know has his turn. He holds a 5-4 which can be played at both ends. Reasoning (correctly) that Cindy is more likely to hold 5's than 4's (as he already played one 4 herself) puts it adjacent to the 5:


  3. If a player can not legally play a bone, he must draw from the boneyard untill he can play. If the boneyard is exhausted, he must pass. So Cindy, who holds no 4, must draw untill she draws a 4: 6-2 does not, so she continues drawing and really has bad luck: 0-1, 5-3, 6-6, 2-2 and finally a domino with a 4: 1-4. She chooses to add this to the side closes to her:
  4. Doublets are placed crosswise as usual. This is already shown above.
    Alice adds her 1-1 giving:

  5. It is allowed to draw from the boneyard while a player can play a bone. Only in very rare circumstances this is sensible, and in this sample game no player does this.

Play continues. Bill can not play a domino from his hand and draws 3-6 before he draws 1-3 and plays it:


The end
Play continued untill



 Bill now adds his last domino, a 2-0:



Alice still holds only a 0-6, but Cindy has more: 6-2, 1-5, 0-5, 0-0, 0-4, 1-2 and 0-1.

That gives Bill a score of 6 for Alice hand and a score of 6+2+1+5+5+4+1+2+1 = 27 for Cindy's hand. So Bill wins this game with a score of 6+27=33.

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